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Journal Papers, Conference Papers, Presentations, and Submissions
Nagai K., Spenko M., Henderson R., Pervan, B., “Fault-Free Integrity and Continuity for Driverless Urban Vehicle Navigation with Multi-Sensor Integration: A Case Study in Downtown Chicago,” NAVIGATION, Vol. 71, No. 1, Spring 2024. Federal support acknowledged. Link​
Kujur, B., Khanafseh, S., and Pervan, B., “Optimal INS Monitor for GNSS Spoofer Tracking Error Detection,” NAVIGATION, Vol. 71, No. 1, March 2024. Federal support acknowledged. Link​
Ayyash, M. (2024). Jamming-Resilient Mirror Element Allocation Scheme for OIRS-Aided UAV-Based FS Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. doi:10.1109/TIV.2024.3450191. Link​
Singh, A., Ayyash, M., Salameh, H. B., & Almajali, S. (2024). On the Optimal Evaluation of the Irradiance Angle and the Orientation in OIRS-Aided Vehicle Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi:10.1109/TVT.2024.3486763. Link​​​
W. Hu, J.-B. Uwineza, J. A. Farrell, “Outlier Accommodation for Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning using Risk-Averse Performance-Specified Approach,” accepted to ACC 2024 in January 2024. Link​
Ahmed, S., Khanafseh, S., and Pervan, B., “GNSS Spoofing Detection and Exclusion by Decomposition of the Complex Cross Ambiguity Function with INS Aiding," Proceedings of ION GNSS+ 2023, Denver, CO, September 2023. Federal support acknowledged. ​
Nagai, K., Ahmed, S., Pervan, B., “Integrity with LiDAR Incorrect Extraction Faults in Adverse Weather Conditions,” Proceedings of the 2024 International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, CA, January 2024. Federal support acknowledged. ​
Andrei, V., Djuhera, A., X. Li, X., Monich, U., Boche, H., and Saad, W., “Resilient, Federated Large Language Models over Wireless Networks: Why the PHY Matters,” submitted to IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2024.​​​
Rife, J., Wassaf, H., Khanafseh, S., & Pervan, B. (2024). Fundamental Architectures for High-Integrity Georeferenced Lidar Positioning. Proceedings of ION GNSS+ 2024, Baltimore, MD, September 2024 Link​​​
Andrei, V. C., Djuhera, A., Li, X., Monich, U. J., Boche, H., & Saad, W. (2024). Resilient-By-Design Framework for MIMO-OFDM Communications under Smart Jamming. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Second Workshop on Enabling Security, Trust, and Privacy in 6G Wireless Systems, Denver, CO, USA, June 2024. Link​
Shui, T., & Saad, W. (2024). Design and Analysis of Resilient Vehicular Platoon Systems over Wireless Networks. In Proc. of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2024. Link​
Shelim, R., Saad, W., & Ramakrishnan, N. (2024). Fast Geometric Learning of MIMO Signal Detection over Grassmannian Manifolds. In Proc. of IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2024. Link​
Stas, M. (2024). Optimization-Based Outlier Accommodation for Tightly Coupled RTK-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems in Urban Environments. Presented at the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Edmonton, Canada, September 22-26. Link​
Becker, J. and M. Joerger. “Uncertainty Quantification for Radar/Inertial Pose Estimation in GNSS-Denied Areas.” Proceedings of the 37th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2024). Baltimore, MD (2024).​
Joerger, M., & Hassani, A. (2024). Wrong Association Risk Bounding Using Innovation-Projections for Landmark-Based LiDAR Localization. Proceedings of the 37th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2024), Baltimore, MD. Link​
Nagai, K., S., Pervan, B., "Enhanced Integrity of Lidar Localization: A Study on Feature Extraction Techniques," Proceedings of the 37th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2024), Baltimore, Maryland, September 2024.​
M.O. Moore, M.L. Psiaki, and R.M. Buehrer, “Time-Diverse Doppler-Only LEO PNT: Initial Solution,” Proc. ION GNSS+ 2024, Sept. 17-20, 2024, Baltimore, MD.​​​​
Nagai, K., ION Webinar, “Fault-Free Integrity of Urban Driverless Vehicle Navigation with Multi-Sensor Integration: A Case Study in Downtown Chicago,” April 3, 2024. Federal support acknowledged. ​
Joerger, M., Jada, S., Yan, C. Psiaki, M., Bowman, J., “Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing for Safe Transportation,” AUVSI Ridge and Valley Chapter Symposium: Partnerships for Autonomy, Blacksburg, VA, October 2023. Federal support acknowledged. ​
Saswat, P., “Infrastructure-assisted Cooperative State Estimation of Ego-Vehicle via Augmentation of Asynchronous Kinematic Measurements”, International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, CA, January 2024. Link​
Zhao, W., S. Khanafseh, and B. Pervan. "Adaptive Multiple-Model Kalman Filter for GNSS Carrier Phase and Frequency Estimation Through Wideband Interference." Illinois Institute of Technology (2024) Link​
Saswat, P., “Feasibility Studies on CAV Applications with State Uncertainties: A Survey,” IEEE FISTS 2024, February 2024. ​
Zixi, L., “An Automated Pipeline for Detection and Localization of GNSS Interference sources,” Aerospace UPP Conference, April 2024. ​
Anargyros, K., “Low-Cost GNSS Monitors for RFI Detection,” Aerospace UPP Conference, April 2024.​​
Nagai, K., S., Pervan, B., "Integrity with Lidar Positioning: Case Studies in Automatic Feature Extraction," Proceedings of the 37th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2024), Baltimore, Maryland, September 2024.​
Joerger, M. and S. Jada. "Impacts of GNSS Interference on Connected and Automated Vehicles." Presentation at Enhanced Receiver for Autonomous Mobility (ERASMO). University of Technology of Compiègne – Alliance Sorbonne Université, France (2024).​​​
Hu, W., Mohsenian-Rad, H., and Farrell, J. A., “Optimization-Based Outlier Accommodation using Linear Performance Constraints for CAV State Estimation in Urban Environments,” submitted to IEEE T. on Vehicular Technology, March 1, 2024. ​
W. Hu, Zeyi Jiang, Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, J. A. Farrell, “Convex Reformulation of RiskAverse Linear State Estim​
Ayyash, M. (2024). Jamming Attacks on FSO Networks: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Public Safety Use-Case. 2024 IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST), May 2024. Link​
S. Ahmed, S. Khanafseh and B. Pervan, "Uncovering Subtle GNSS Spoofing by Decomposing the Complex Cross Ambiguity Function," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, July 2024. Link​
Bai, Z., Wu, G., Barth, M. J., Qiu, H., Liu, Y., Sisbot, E. A., & Oguchi, K. (2024). “Pillar Attention Encoder for Adaptive Cooperative Perception”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(14), 24998–25009. Link​
Nayak, Saswat Priyadarshi, Wu, Guoyuan, Barth, Matthew, Liu, Yongkang, Sisbot, Emrah Akin, Oguchi, Kentaro, "Evaluation of Infrastructure-Assisted Cooperative Tracking of Vehicles Using Various Motion Models," 2023 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, CA, April 2023, pp. 243-253. Link

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